Bird Kingdom Outtakes

This article features a selection of Bird Kingdom outtakes that were captured during an earlier visit when I was creating images for my 1200mm EFOV Test article. Photographing birds at an indoor facility with a equivalent field-of-view of 1200mm has some limitations, not the least of which is finding subject birds at suitable distances.

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Must Have Myths

The internet is full of must have myths, and this is particularly true when it comes to photography gear and related equipment. I can’t speak for other folks, but some of the worst photographic purchases I’ve made were based on must have recommendations that I got from other people. Of course the ultimate blame for those purchase errors lies with me… for having followed ill-advised suggestions.

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Intensive Practise Session

This article discusses a recent bird-in-flight, intensive practise session I did along the shoreline of Forty Mile Creek Park… and some of the planning that went into it.

In my mind, casually grabbing a camera and going out to create a few impromptu photographs does not constitute a practise session. There is no clear objective. There is no forethought or preparation. Nor is there any discipline involved with the activity.

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1200mm EFOV Test

This article shares some 1200mm EFOV test images that were captured handheld at Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls Canada. In an earlier article, Jigsaws or Drills, we discussed that prime lenses and zoom lenses are different types of tools.

Neither type is ‘better’ than the other, but simply more suited to specific photographic approaches. My preference has always been to own and use predominantly zoom lenses as they better suit my shooting style.

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This website celebrates the joy of photography and features a wide range of photographic subject matter. The content is designed to appeal to a wide range of people interested in photography. The website also demonstrates the image creating capability of small sensor cameras including micro four thirds, 1", and 1/2.3" cameras.

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