Amplis Discount Discontinued

There have been some changes at Amplis and as of January 1, 2023 the company is no longer offering a 5% discount to our Canadian readers. We are now in the process of removing references to the previous 5% Amplis discount from various articles on the website. Since this will take some time we wanted to make our readers aware of this Amplis change immediately. We have already removed the information page that pertained to this previous Canadian discount program.

Amplis has an affiliate program that would provide this website with a small commission based on click through sales. Since this affiliate program does not have any direct benefit for our readers we will not be participating in the Amplis affiliate program.

2 thoughts on “Amplis Discount Discontinued”

  1. Dear Thomas,
    When I landed on your website, it generated a moment of glee, not only because of the quality of it, but also, the fact that you shoot with the Nikon 1 system, or at least have. I have most of the Nikkor 1 lenses (just aquired the 32mm!) and, although new technoilogy is always fun, I want to keep it simple until I can really delve into the new cameras/lenses coming out continually. Looking forward to enjoying your site.

    1. Hi Peter,

      I used the Nikon 1 exclusively for about 5 years for both my client projects and my personal needs. It is a very capable, small and lightweight system. You’ll find a lot of Nikon 1 related content on the website with 459 articles posted at this time. My main camera system revolves around the Olympus E-M1X, but I still post new Nikon 1 related articles from time to time. If you haven’t done so already, you may want to check out my Nikon 1 eBook, The Little Camera That Could. It showcases a wide range of photographic genres where I used the Nikon 1 system.

      I’m glad you found the website.

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