This short article shares a selection of 9 consecutive images of a cardinal pirouette, with the bird turning around on one foot, then taking flight.
All of the images were captured handheld with an Olympus OM-D E-M1X fitted with an M.Zuiko PRO 40-150 mm f/2.8 with M.Zuiko MC-20 teleconverter. Pro Capture H mode was utilized, using my standard settings of 60 frames-per-second with 15 Pre-shutter frames and the Frame Count Limiter set to 15 frames.
As you view the following 9 consecutive images of this cardinal pirouette be sure to note the position of the cardinal’s right foot.
NOTE: Click on images to enlarge.
At this point if I was trying to make this move I think I’d be booking a chiropractic adjustment!
This Pro Capture H image run of 9 consecutive photographs took a total of 0.15 seconds to capture. Being able to photograph a ‘slice of life’ moment like this cardinal pirouette is one of the things I absolutely love about using the Olympus Pro Capture H mode on my E-M1X.
Technical Note
Photographs were captured hand-held using camera gear as noted in the EXIF data. Image were produced from RAW files using my standard process. Photographs were cropped to approximately 4800 pixels on the width, and resized for web use.
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