Category Archives: Birds in Flight

Kingfishers Taking Flight

This article features some handheld image runs of kingfishers taking flight near 40 Mile Creek in Grimsby Ontario. Over the years I’ve had precious few opportunities to photograph this kind of action with kingfishers. On this particular October afternoon I had four opportunities and was able to successfully photograph these kingfishers taking flight with all four of them.

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Heron Landing at 1680mm EFOV

This article shares 14 consecutive test images of a heron landing at 1680mm EFOV. These were captured a couple of days ago at Hendrie Valley. The past few months have been a challenge for me in terms of getting out with my camera gear. So much so that I was sadly in need of some practice.

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Obstructed Opportunity

There are occasions when bird photographers can face an obstructed opportunity when the sightline to a potential subject bird is partially blocked. Depending on the camera gear used, and its resident technology, an obstructed opportunity can still yield some decent photographs.

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Half Of The Story

Sometimes only getting half of the story can still produce some very interesting, action-oriented photographs. In the springtime birds are vying for mates, or protecting the partner that they already have. This can lead to some dramatic action, especially if large birds like geese or swans are involved.

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M.Zuiko 150-600 Hands-On Review

This M.Zuiko 150-600 hands-on review is the culmination of capturing a few thousand images with this lens over the past couple of months. And, writing a series of articles about my experiences. A summary of those articles, with accompanying links, is provided at the end of this extensive posting.

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