Category Archives: Combination of sensors

New Zealand 20 Years Later

This article, New Zealand 20 Years Later, looks back over the past two decades, and our various trips to this wonderful country. My wife and I just returned from an extended photography tour of New Zealand, spending 4 weeks on the ground. We have been very fortunate to have been able to travel to New Zealand six times over the past twenty years.

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Photographing Swallows In-Flight

Photographing swallows in-flight has been one of my favourite pastimes for a number of years now, but one that has come with a lot of challenges. Swallows can be swift and erratic flyers which can represent an exercise in frustration when starting on this journey. This article shares a number of photographs of swallows in-flight and discusses my journey with this subject matter over the past number of years.

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Upcoming Fall 2024 Presentations

We have a number of upcoming fall 2024 presentations that will be held by various organizations in the Niagara Peninsula area. While the overriding theme (Finding Visual Expression) will be the same for each of these three presentations, the content of each has been tailored to the specific needs of each organization.

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Exposure Triangle Pyramid

This article discusses adding a fourth dimension to create an exposure triangle pyramid to help us maximize our camera settings, and related photographic performance.

As photographers we commonly consider three ‘exposure triangle’ factors (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) when deciding on camera settings. There is a fourth factor that is sometimes overlooked which can also impact exposure… lens focal length.

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Photographic Philosophy

The photographic philosophy that each of us brings to our work is a cornerstone that anchors all that we do, and serves as a guiding principle. I suppose there could be an infinite number of philosophies that each of us could pursue when it comes to our photography. For me, it has always come down to a binary choice between “the best possible photograph” and “the best photograph possible”.

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