Category Archives: Cameras & Lenses

Must Have Myths

The internet is full of must have myths, and this is particularly true when it comes to photography gear and related equipment. I can’t speak for other folks, but some of the worst photographic purchases I’ve made were based on must have recommendations that I got from other people. Of course the ultimate blame for those purchase errors lies with me… for having followed ill-advised suggestions.

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New Zealand Travel Kit

This article discusses the camera equipment that we included in our travel kit for our recent photography tour to New Zealand, as well as our decision rationale.

My wife and I ended up taking a total of five lenses, two camera bodies, six batteries, and two battery chargers. All of the gear had to fit in my Tenba laptop backpack. Along with a portable hard drive, a 13″ laptop with charger, and about a dozen 64 GB UHS-II SD memory cards. We were able to stay within a 7 Kg weight limit… but just barely.

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Jigsaws or Drills

Sometimes we get drawn into heated discussions, like deciding whether jigsaws or drills are the best woodworking tools. 🙂 I appreciate that some of you may be thinking that the comparison posed is ludicrous… perhaps even bordering on asinine. And yet as photographers… we sometimes get drawn into these types of pointless comparisons on a regular basis… especially in online chatrooms.

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Small Subject Test at 2400 efov

Recently I decided to do a small subject test at 2400 mm efov with my M.Zuiko 150-600 super zoom and MC-20 teleconverter. In my experience the M.Zuiko 150-600 has proven to be a wonderful lens that provides a tremendous range of in-field capability.

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Olympus OM Kit Review

This Olympus OM kit review article summarizes our experiences shooting with this M4/3 gear over the past 5 years. As has been stated numerous times on this website, the choice of camera equipment is intensely personal. What works well for one photographer, may not be the best choice for another.

This article is not intended to encourage any readers to buy the gear that we have purchased. It is simply to provide some hands-on feedback on the equipment that we own and regularly use.

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90 mm vs 60 mm Macro Comparison

This 90 mm vs 60 mm macro comparison article provides my assessments of these two lenses based on my in-field experiences using the M.Zuiko 90 mm f/3.5 PRO IS and M.Zuiko 60 mm f/2.8 macro lenses.

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