Category Archives: Travel Photography

Travel Images With 14-150

Last week I had an opportunity to spend about an hour at Peggy’s Cove capturing some travel images with the M.Zuiko 14-150 mm II zoom. We had a late breaking business consulting project confirmed, so we ended up driving out to Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was a whirlwind visit that saw us drive over 4,250 kilometres during the 10 days we were away.

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The Little Camera That Could: Travel ~ Greece

We’d like to thank the many readers from all over the world that have already purchased a copy of The Little Camera That Could – we appreciate your support! To provide folks with more insights on the content of our Nikon 1 eBook, I will be publishing a small selection of content areas over the next week or so. The first instalment is the Travel ~ Greece section. This segment shares some photographs captured in Greece with a Nikon 1 V2 and provides some commentary on the experience.

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