Category Archives: Flower Photography

Nikon flower photography with FX and CX

Like many photographers I enjoy taking images of flowers and foliage. In many ways flowers are ‘equal opportunity’ subjects. Images can be captured using the simplest of gear like cellphones and point-and-shoot cameras, all the way up to quite complex rigs that include macro lenses, tripods, flashes, reflectors, and shutter releases. This article shares some sample Nikon flower photography captured with FX and CX gear. Continue reading Nikon flower photography with FX and CX

Using Telephoto Lenses to Photograph Flowers and Foliage

My wife is an avid gardener and for more years than I can remember, I have accompanied her on a wide range of garden tours and other such outings. While gardening is of little interest to me per se, I do find some enjoyment in capturing images of flowers and foliage. And, on the odd occasion I have shot videos of private and public gardens. Continue reading Using Telephoto Lenses to Photograph Flowers and Foliage