Category Archives: Gear Reviews

Movo Extension Tubes Hands-On Review

As some regular readers know I’ve been experiencing some quality and durability issues with my Vello Extension Tubes for Nikon 1. These tubes are in the process of being redesigned with metal mounts which should be a significant improvement over the plastic mount version currently available. Since I do a fair amount of work with my Nikon 1 gear with extension tubes I didn’t have the luxury of time to wait for the redesigned tubes. I decided to investigate some other options and recently I purchased a set of Movo Extension Tubes for Nikon 1. Their main selling feature are the metal mounts. What follows is a brief Movo Extension Tube hands-on review. Continue reading Movo Extension Tubes Hands-On Review

Nikon P900 Hands-On Review: It’s all about the zoom!

I’ve owned a couple of digital bridge cameras in the past and I enjoyed the flexibility and portability that this type of camera affords owners. The integrated zoom lenses on a bridge camera makes them an especially good choice for people looking for an all-in-one travel camera solution.

When I read that Nikon had launched a new CoolPix P900 with an equivalent field of view of 24 mm to 2000 mm I was intrigued to see what this camera could do. Continue reading Nikon P900 Hands-On Review: It’s all about the zoom!

Nikon 1 V3 Hands-On Review

Ever since Nikon announced the introduction of the Nikon 1 V3 back in March of 2014 the camera has been met with mixed reactions. Some of the design choices made with this camera left many photographers scratching their heads wondering what the engineers at Nikon were thinking when they put the concept for the Nikon 1 V3 together. Continue reading Nikon 1 V3 Hands-On Review

Nikon 1 V3 Initial Impressions and Sample Images

This short article has a selection of sample images taken hand-held with the Nikon 1 V3 and Nikon 1 CX 70-300 lens at Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls Canada. While I was intending on doing a full review of the Nikon 1 V3 a number of time sensitive client video projects have recently emerged. Unfortunately that means I will not be able to proceed with my planned full review any time soon. Instead I’ll provide a few initial impressions of this camera along with some sample images. Continue reading Nikon 1 V3 Initial Impressions and Sample Images