Category Archives: Pro Capture

Birds-in-Flight Using Pro Capture

I recently went to LaSalle Park in Burlington Ontario to photograph some birds-in-flight using Pro Capture L mode with my Olympus OM-D E-M1X. This article features 25 consecutive images of some swans in flight, along with some commentary about using Pro Capture L for these photographs.

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Unexpected Cardinal Captures

This articles shares a total of 22 consecutive, unexpected cardinal captures. These photographs were created using the Pro Capture H mode with my Olympus OM-D E-M1X. This feature uses a fast frame rate of 60 frames per second and captures full resolution RAW files. All of the photographs in this article are displayed as 100% captures without any cropping.

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Small Birds Taking Flight

This article shares some photographs of small birds taking flight. All photographs were captured hand-held using the E-M1X Pro Capture H mode (i.e. 60 frames per second) during a two-hour photo session at Hendrie Valley. During my short visit I captured Pro Capture sequences of nine species of birds. Six species are featured in this article.

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Wild Monarch Butterflies In Flight

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to get out in my backyard a few times to photograph some wild monarch butterflies in flight. This short article shares some of the hand-held images that I’ve been able to capture. At this point I’m still experimenting with technique.
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