This article features a selection of Nikon 1 J5 flower macro images. These photographs were the last images that I captured during our spring 2019 trip to Ireland. All were shot handheld at Belvedere House.
NOTE: Click on images to enlarge.

As our COVID-19 physical distancing continues, I’ve been dedicating more time to work on our Ireland travel photography eBook. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel with the publication of this eBook possible within the next few weeks.

This collection of Nikon 1 J5 flower macro images demonstrates one of the significant advantages of small sensor camera systems… deeper depth of field. Even though discontinued, the Nikon 1 J5 is still a terrific, little camera. Coupled with a 1 Nikkor 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6 zoom and some extension tubes it is capable of creating some beautiful close-up photography.

After editing thousands of photographs from our trip to Ireland over the past number of months, I had almost forgotten that I captured these Nikon 1 J5 macro flower images.

All of these macro flower images were captured outdoors in the gardens at Belvedere House.

As you review the EXIF data you will see that a range of shutter speeds and ISO values were used.

This was done to compensate for lighting conditions and also the strength of the intermittent breeze that day.

One of the strengths of the Nikon 1 system has always been the speed and accuracy of its auto-focus system.

I remember my short-lived experiment with some Panasonic gear. One of the primary reasons that I returned that equipment after 10 days was the poor auto-focusing performance compared to my Nikon 1 kit.

People who are looking for an easy-to-handle camera system for close-up photography should definitely consider some used Nikon 1 gear.

It still amazes me how many uninformed people claim that 1″ sensor cameras cannot be used at higher ISO values. When shooting RAW files and using appropriate noise reduction in post, I have no hesitation shooting my Nikon 1 J5 up to ISO-3200.

As these photographs demonstrate, good subject separation can also be achieved with a 1″ sensor camera. This is done by considering camera to subject and subject to background distances.

My wife and I still enjoy our extensive Nikon 1 kit. Her favourite camera is the Nikon 1 V3. For general photography and close-up photography my favourite Nikon 1 camera is the J5.

With 171 auto-focusing points covering virtually the entire frame, the Nikon 1 J5 makes it easy to achieve precise focusing and composition.

It’s a shame that the Nikon 1 system was discontinued. Those of us who still have Nikon 1 gear can enjoy its unique capabilities for many years to come.

If you enjoyed the photographs in this article you may want to check out our Images of Ireland eBook. This 209 page eBook features over 400 original photographs and is available for purchase and download at a cost of $12.99 CDN.
Technical Note:
Photographs were captured hand-held using camera gear as noted in the EXIF data. All images were produced from RAW files using my standard process.
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It’s always a pleasure to check out your pictures using the J5 or other cameras from the Nikon one system. I too really enjoy the Nikon one system, I’m sad that they discontinued it. Happy though that you continue to use it and display it’s many strengths always a pleasure to check out the site thank you again
Looking forward to your new e-book, I enjoyed the last one I bought from you, the little camera that could , I believe.
Hi Gerry,
The Nikon 1 system had a unique place in the market. It’s unfortunate that most people didn’t understand the capabilities of the system. Our four other photography related eBooks are feature images captured with the Nikon 1 system.
I’m glad that you enjoyed The Little Camera That Could!
What make of extension tube were used?
I enjoy the photographs taken of Ireland and look forward to the publication of the e-book.
Best wishes.
Hi Terry,
I have two different sets of extension tubes for my Nikon 1 gear: MOVO and Vello Deluxe. MOVO is a three tube set of 10mm, 16mm and 21mm tubes. The Vello Deluxe set provides two tubes of 10mm and 16mm. Both of these sets perform well. I would NOT purchase the standard Vello Extension tubes, or any other brand that does not have metal mounts. The Vello Econo extension tubes have plastic mounts and they have an issue with the flanges cracking. It is important to buy extension tubes that provide auto focusing. Tubes of different lengths can be stacked to increase the magnification effect, but you will also lose more light the longer the tube(s) used.
You can use various lenses with extension tubes. The caveat is that the focal length needs to be long enough as extension tubes shorten the minimum focusing distance of a lens. In some cases if a lens is too short adding an extension tube will shorten the minimum focusing distance to the point where the lens cannot focus. Also, when using extension tubes the camera/lens combo will no longer be able to focus at infinity.
Thank you for publishing these pictures. I am awaiting the arrival of extension tubes for the Nikon 1.
Retired, I doubled down on Nikon 1. Three bodies and excellent glass.
Hi Bruce,
Once your extension tubes arrive you’ll be having even more fun with your Nikon 1 kit!