This short announcement shares a link to an October Mirrorless Comparisons guest post that was published earlier today. I’ve been collaborating with Mat and Heather at Mirrorless Comparisons for a number of years. If you are unfamiliar with their website it is certainly worth a visit.

This Mirrorless Comparison guest post is quite lengthy and discusses my experiences using the E-M1X for the past couple of years. It shares a total of 29 photographs, many of them of birds and flying insects. Some landscape and flower images are also included.
Readers looking for comparative information on various mirrorless camera and lens options may find the Mirrorless Comparisons website of particular interest.

Technical Note
Photographs were captured handheld using camera gear as noted in the EXIF data. Images were produced from RAW files using my standard process.
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Really enjoyed your article in Mirrorless Comparisons. I am completely amazed at your results. I have just started dabbling wit Olympus M43, EM1 ll and 12-100 is pro. I also shoot with Nikons Z6ll and D500. I get great results, but find the fun factor is not there. My problem comes in trying to match Oly IQ to my Nikons especially BIF. I am having a really hard time trying to get a handle on all the Olympus special features. I find your articles very inspirational and hope someday to make the transition completely to Olympus.
Hi Steve,
It does take some time, practise and patience to learn the various Olympus technologies. I’ve been shooting with Olympus since June 2019 and there are still a number of features that I’ve yet to explore. It is important to cut yourself some slack and accept the fact that it is going to take some time and experimentation with your Olympus kit. The rewards and results will come.
I had to smile when you mentioned “fun factor”. Above all else I find my Olympus kit delivers freedom and fun in spades compared to anything else I’ve ever used. At this point in my career fun and freedom are the most important aspects to my photographic pursuits.