This short article features 15 consecutive photographs of a mourning dove leaving its nest, which was in some cedar hedges. These images were captured handheld using an E-M1X fitted with an M.Zuiko 100-400 mm f/5-6.3 IS zoom and M.Zuiko MC-14 teleconverter. I used Pro Capture H with my standard settings of 15 Pre-Shutter Frames, Frame Limiter set to 15, and 60 frames-per-second. My standard shutter speed for small to medium sized birds is 1/2500.
One of the fundamentals of bird photography is to watch potential subject birds to identify some of their habitual behviour. These can include flight paths, feeding patterns and nesting. Over the past couple of weeks I noticed some mourning doves flying with nesting material and landing in some cedar hedges on one side of our yard.
Although their nest is hidden inside the cedar hedge I was able to identify the area where they would regularly land to access their nest, as well as depart from it.
This morning I was able to capture a Pro Capture H run of a mourning dove leaving its nest. Here are the 15 consecutive photographs in the run.
NOTE: Click on images to enlarge.

Overall I was very pleased with this Pro Capture H image run of a mourning dove leaving its nest, especially with images 8 through 13.
From a technique standpoint you’ll notice that I chose shutter speed over ISO and captured these images at ISO-6400. I also moved in closer to the nest after the mourning dove had landed and disappeared inside the cedar hedge. This allowed me to use a shorter focal length, which in turn gave me more depth-of-field for this image run.
Pro Capture H is incredible technology to use when photographing this type of action sequence. It allows photographers to consistently and reliably capture precise action sequences that were very difficult in the past.
Considering Pro Capture, Bird Detection AI Subject Tracking, ergonomics/handling, and weather sealing, I simply cannot imagine wanting to use any camera except my E-M1X for bird photography… regardless of sensor size.
Technical Note
Photographs were captured hand-held using camera gear as noted in the EXIF data. Images were produced from RAW files using my standard process. Crops are noted.
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