We passed an interesting milestone this month with our eBooks now being sold in over 35 countries! We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to all of our readers around the world that have been supporting our work by purchasing copies of our eBooks.
NOTE: Click on images to enlarge.

As regular readers will know, since the inception of this photography blog over 5 years ago, we have never accepted any advertising, paid product mentions, or produced any paid articles.

Our intent was always to provide readers with (hopefully) an interesting and informative photography site, free of outside commercial messaging.

In our view, the visual clutter on many websites today has gone past the point of being distracting. Often it is now so severe that it has become aggravating and annoying.

You can rest assured that we have no plans to change our approach. This website will be sustained in the future as it has always been… primarily through reader donations and the purchase of our growing collection of eBooks. We hope to have an announcement fairly soon on a new eBook!

We would like to apologize for not producing as many new articles as we would have liked over the past couple of months. While some COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, we’re still not comfortable visiting indoor facilities such as Bird Kingdom, the Niagara Butterfly Conservatory. and the Royal Botanical Gardens.

It is quite possible that we may not resume these types of indoor photography activities until sometime in 2021. Personal safety is paramount.

Another factor that has restricted our ability to get into the field more often has been a slower-than-expected recovery from a knee injury that occurred a couple of months ago. Progress has been made, but my photographic adventures continue to be impacted significantly.

So… we ask for your continued patience as we do our best to create new content under somewhat challenging conditions.

It is incredibly gratifying to know that we have loyal readers in over 35 countries who are actively supporting our work! Thank you one and all!
Technical Note:
All photographs in this article were captured hand-held using camera gear as per the EXIT data. Images were produces from RAW files using my standard process.

How you can help keep this site advertising free
My intent is to keep this photography blog advertising free. If you enjoyed this article and/or my website and would like to support my work, you can purchase an eBook, or make a modest $10 donation through PayPal. Both are most appreciated. You can use the Donate button below. Larger donations can be made to tom@tomstirr.com through PayPal.

Word of mouth is the best form of endorsement. If you like our website please let your friends and associates know about our work. Linking to this site or to specific articles is allowed with proper acknowledgement. Reproducing articles, or any of the images contained in them, on another website or in any social media posting is a Copyright infringement.
Article is Copyright 2020 Thomas Stirr. Images are Copyright 2013-2019 Thomas Stirr. All rights reserved. No use, duplication or adaptation of any kind is allowed without written consent. If you see this article reproduced anywhere else it is an unauthorized and illegal use. Posting comments on offending websites and calling out individuals who steal intellectual property is always appreciated!
To get that first image using the Olympus 60mm Macro lens, did you really us the MC-20 teleconverter? The subject was 235mm.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for catching the ‘copy and paste’ edit error that I made with the EXIF data with the butterfly image. On that particular visit to the Niagara Butterfly Conservatory I used the M.Zuiko 60 mm f/2.8 macro, as well as the M.Zuiko PRO 40-150 mm f/2.8 with the MC-20 teleconverter for various images. I have corrected the EXIF wording and removed the reference to the MC-20 teleconverter. I apologize for the error.
I appreciate your continuing interesting and informative articles and am glad you have found things to write on even in this difficult time. Congratulations on making it to 35 countries with your books!
Thanks for the support Joel… always appreciated!