Tag Archives: M.Zuiko 14-150 mm f/4-5.6 II

Must Have Myths

The internet is full of must have myths, and this is particularly true when it comes to photography gear and related equipment. I can’t speak for other folks, but some of the worst photographic purchases I’ve made were based on must have recommendations that I got from other people. Of course the ultimate blame for those purchase errors lies with me… for having followed ill-advised suggestions.

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Ryan Premises

Earlier this year my wife and I visited the Ryan Premises National Historic Site as part of our Newfoundland photography mini tour. This was not one of our original planned stops. Since we were facing yet another wet and foggy day, we decided to do some indoor photography and learn about some of the history of this area of Newfoundland at this National Historic Site.

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Photographing Icebergs

Seeing and photographing icebergs was one of the experiences on the top of my wife’s wish list when we recently visited Newfoundland. This article shares some of our images and discusses a few things to keep in mind when photographing icebergs.

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Importance of Weathersealing

The importance of weathersealing is often not fully appreciated until one faces an extended period of inclement weather. Such was the case with our recent self-drive tour of Newfoundland during which we encountered 11 out of 14 days with rain and fog.

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Travel Images With 14-150

Last week I had an opportunity to spend about an hour at Peggy’s Cove capturing some travel images with the M.Zuiko 14-150 mm II zoom. We had a late breaking business consulting project confirmed, so we ended up driving out to Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was a whirlwind visit that saw us drive over 4,250 kilometres during the 10 days we were away.

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Why I Prefer Zoom Lenses

This article discusses a number of reasons why I prefer using zoom lenses rather than shooting with prime lenses. I appreciate that the choices we make with our camera gear are intensely personal, so this article is not intended to convince anyone else to adjust their approach. The camera gear that works for one photographer may not be a fit for the needs of another.

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14-150 II with Extension Tubes

This article features a selection of handheld photographs captured with the M.Zuiko 14-150 II with extension tubes. Many photographers enjoy doing macro-type photography but can’t justify buying a dedicated macro lens. This posting demonstrates some of the flower images that are possible when using the M.Zuiko 14-150 II with extension tubes.

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