Tag Archives: M.Zuiko 150-600 mm f/5-6/3 IS

Bird Kingdom Outtakes

This article features a selection of Bird Kingdom outtakes that were captured during an earlier visit when I was creating images for my 1200mm EFOV Test article. Photographing birds at an indoor facility with a equivalent field-of-view of 1200mm has some limitations, not the least of which is finding subject birds at suitable distances.

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Intensive Practise Session

This article discusses a recent bird-in-flight, intensive practise session I did along the shoreline of Forty Mile Creek Park… and some of the planning that went into it.

In my mind, casually grabbing a camera and going out to create a few impromptu photographs does not constitute a practise session. There is no clear objective. There is no forethought or preparation. Nor is there any discipline involved with the activity.

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1200mm EFOV Test

This article shares some 1200mm EFOV test images that were captured handheld at Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls Canada. In an earlier article, Jigsaws or Drills, we discussed that prime lenses and zoom lenses are different types of tools.

Neither type is ‘better’ than the other, but simply more suited to specific photographic approaches. My preference has always been to own and use predominantly zoom lenses as they better suit my shooting style.

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Jigsaws or Drills

Sometimes we get drawn into heated discussions, like deciding whether jigsaws or drills are the best woodworking tools. 🙂 I appreciate that some of you may be thinking that the comparison posed is ludicrous… perhaps even bordering on asinine. And yet as photographers… we sometimes get drawn into these types of pointless comparisons on a regular basis… especially in online chatrooms.

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Small Subject Test at 2400 efov

Recently I decided to do a small subject test at 2400 mm efov with my M.Zuiko 150-600 super zoom and MC-20 teleconverter. In my experience the M.Zuiko 150-600 has proven to be a wonderful lens that provides a tremendous range of in-field capability.

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Why I Prefer Practicing With Gulls

This article discusses why I prefer practicing with gulls, and shares an extensive selection of new images recently captured at 40 Mile Creek in Grimsby.

Some photographers seem to view gulls as nothing more than a nuisance… and they don’t bother trying to photograph them at all. From my perspective, of all of the bird species I could choose to photograph in-flight, it is difficult for me to identify better practice birds than gulls.

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Kingfishers Taking Flight

This article features some handheld image runs of kingfishers taking flight near 40 Mile Creek in Grimsby Ontario. Over the years I’ve had precious few opportunities to photograph this kind of action with kingfishers. On this particular October afternoon I had four opportunities and was able to successfully photograph these kingfishers taking flight with all four of them.

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