Tag Archives: M.Zuiko 75-300 mm f/4.8-6.7 II

Smaller Sensor Birding Equipment Options

Since selling my full frame camera gear back in July 2015 I’ve had the opportunity to use a few different smaller sensor birding equipment options. Continue reading Smaller Sensor Birding Equipment Options

Substituting Foliage for Birds

This article discusses the practical aspects of substituting foliage for birds when we are out with our cameras. In late October I was doing some field testing with our newly acquired M.Zuiko 75-300 mm f/4.8-6.7 II zoom lens at Hendrie Valley. For much of my hike my feathered friends were simply not cooperating and nowhere to be found. So, substituting foliage for birds made sense.

Continue reading Substituting Foliage for Birds

M.Zuiko 75-300 Assessment

This article provides a summary of a number of points made in earlier articles and provides an overall M.Zuiko 75-300 assessment. Since some folks seem to focus on what this lens isn’t, I might as well state that right up front. This lens isn’t weatherproof and it isn’t designated as a pro lens. What this lens is in spades… is small, lightweight, cost efficient, and a whole lotta fun to use!

Continue reading M.Zuiko 75-300 Assessment

M.Zuiko 75-300 with Extension Tube

This article features some photographs captured with the M.Zuiko 75-300 f/4.8-6.7 II with a Kenko 16 mm M4/3 extension tube. It is getting late in our season to photograph insects and flowers, but I thought this would be an interesting final field test of the M.Zuiko 75-300 mm f/4.8-6.7 II telephoto zoom lens. Given the risks, I have not used my camera gear in any indoor, public venues since February.

Continue reading M.Zuiko 75-300 with Extension Tube