Tag Archives: New Zealand photography

New Zealand 20 Years Later

This article, New Zealand 20 Years Later, looks back over the past two decades, and our various trips to this wonderful country. My wife and I just returned from an extended photography tour of New Zealand, spending 4 weeks on the ground. We have been very fortunate to have been able to travel to New Zealand six times over the past twenty years.

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Benefits of Catch-as-Catch-Can Travel Photography

As photographers we may have different views on how to approach travel photography. Some folks like to allow multiple days to photograph key locations. This increases their chances of having ideal conditions. No doubt this can contribute to some truly spectacular photographs. It’s likely that this level of photographic quality wouldn’t have been possible if lighting and weather had been left to chance. A completely different approach is to purposely allow oneself to be at the mercy of Mother Nature’s whims. This article discusses the benefits of ‘catch-as-catch-can’ travel photography.

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New Zealand Tip-to-Tip eBook Now Available

We are pleased to announce that our newest photography eBook, New Zealand Tip-to-Tip, is now available for purchase and download, for a cost of $12.99 Canadian. This 250 page eBook contains over 400 original photographs and provides readers with information on 89 locations in New Zealand. Continue reading New Zealand Tip-to-Tip eBook Now Available

Composition Considerations at Nugget Point

One of the stops we wanted to make during our most recent trip to the South Island of New Zealand was the lighthouse at Nugget Point. The weather cooperated, starting out a bit dark and menacing, then turning partially sunny. This article features a small selection of photographs, and discusses some composition considerations I took into account while photographing at Nugget Point. Continue reading Composition Considerations at Nugget Point