We finally had some decent sunshine that coincided with my schedule so I was able to go out and capture some Nikon 1 V3 images of birds-in-flight during the last couple of days. Continue reading V3 Sample Birds-in-flight Images
Tag Archives: Nikon 1 V3
Factors to consider when choosing a Nikon 1 body
I regularly get emails and calls at the office from people looking at the Nikon 1 system and wondering which body would be best for their needs. Choosing a Nikon 1 body really depends on your specific needs and preferences. Continue reading Factors to consider when choosing a Nikon 1 body
Changes to Nikon 1 V3 BIF Technique
I’ve had my Nikon 1 V3 for about a week and a half and finally got the opportunity to go out and shoot with it with a bit of sun in the sky. Not much mind you…but at least it wasn’t totally overcast. I took about 45 minutes out of my rather hectic schedule to experiment shooting birds-in-flight (BIF) at Grimsby harbour. I ended up making some changes to my Nikon 1 V3 BIF technique this morning and got a lot more keepers with these adjustments. Continue reading Changes to Nikon 1 V3 BIF Technique
Overcast Birds-in-Flight Test
When I looked out of the window this morning I was greeted by a dull, grey day. My spirits immediately lifted – what a perfect time for an overcast birds-in-flight test with my Nikon 1 V3!
Some changes with my Nikon 1 kit
Like most folks, from time to time I like to review my camera gear and its current utilization rate, as well as anticipate my future needs. I recently did such a review which resulted in some changes with my Nikon 1 kit. Continue reading Some changes with my Nikon 1 kit
Nikon 1 V3 Hands-On Review
Ever since Nikon announced the introduction of the Nikon 1 V3 back in March of 2014 the camera has been met with mixed reactions. Some of the design choices made with this camera left many photographers scratching their heads wondering what the engineers at Nikon were thinking when they put the concept for the Nikon 1 V3 together. Continue reading Nikon 1 V3 Hands-On Review
Bald Eagles up Close with Nikon 1 V3
During my recent visit to Mountsberg Conservation Area I had the opportunity to shoot a number of images of two bald eagles at the Raptor Centre. Continue reading Bald Eagles up Close with Nikon 1 V3
Raptors up close with the Nikon 1 V3
As I was wrapping up my field work with the Nikon 1 V3 for my pending review I decided to visit Mountsberg Conservation Area in Campbellville Ontario to take some images of raptors. Continue reading Raptors up close with the Nikon 1 V3
Birds-in-Flight Images with Nikon 1 V3
I’ve been continuing my field work for my hands-on review of the Nikon 1 V3 and spent some time capturing images of birds-in-flight at Grimsby Harbour. This has been a particularly severe winter and some of the Great Lakes have frozen over completely. This is only the fourth time in the past 40 years that this has happened. As you can see from the image below, Grimsby Harbour is frozen solid out past the lighthouse. This made for some interesting captures of birds-in-flight. Continue reading Birds-in-Flight Images with Nikon 1 V3
Nikon 1 V3 Initial Impressions and Sample Images
This short article has a selection of sample images taken hand-held with the Nikon 1 V3 and Nikon 1 CX 70-300 lens at Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls Canada. While I was intending on doing a full review of the Nikon 1 V3 a number of time sensitive client video projects have recently emerged. Unfortunately that means I will not be able to proceed with my planned full review any time soon. Instead I’ll provide a few initial impressions of this camera along with some sample images. Continue reading Nikon 1 V3 Initial Impressions and Sample Images