Tag Archives: photo art

Creative Expression Through Photography

Every time we pick up a camera, we have the opportunity to exercise our creative expression through photography. The subjects we choose. The lighting that attracts us. The lenses we use. The shooting angles that appeal to us. The camera settings we select. What we decide to do with our images in post. All of these factors help facilitate our creative expression through photography.

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Abstract Waterfall Images

After burning the midnight oil quite a bit recently working on a major safety video project for a client, I decided it was time to take a break so I grabbed my camera bag and headed off to the Niagara Falls area for the day. Since I’ve always enjoyed working with Topaz to add more dramatic and artistic impressions to some of my images, I wanted to see if I could capture some waterfall images that could work as ‘photo art’. So, what follows are some abstract waterfall images. Continue reading Abstract Waterfall Images