This article features some Bird Kingdom BIF test images captured handheld with an M.Zuiko 100-400 mm f/5-6.3 IS zoom. As regular readers know, Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls is one of my favourite spots to visit… especially when wild bird migration periods are over.
Tag Archives: photographing birds in flight
Right Place Right Time
As nature and bird photographers we sometimes overlook the importance of being in the right place at the right time. Often our attention is overly focused on camera gear. We can spend hours debating the relative merits of camera format, brand, model and lenses used. If we care about our craft we’ll invest time in skills development like our eye/hand coordination. All of that goes for naught if we aren’t at the right place at the right time to capture our images.
Flying into Focus
This article discusses flying into focus which is a technique that can be achieved using some common approaches. Flying into focus can be extremely helpful when trying to capture birds, insects or other animals in flight.
Combining Imaging Technologies
This article discusses combining imaging technologies… specifically Pro Capture L with Bird Detection AI Subject Tracking.
Small Moments
We can seldom predict what will happen when we are out with a camera, and sometimes it’s the small moments that can make our day. This article shares a collection of photographs that were captured during a recent morning visit to Hendrie Valley and the Urquhart Butterfly Garden.
Getting Your Shot
Deciding what camera to buy comes down to a really simple question: What equipment makes getting your shot easiest and with the highest degree of reliability? At the end of the day nothing else matters very much.
Camera Settings Practice
Most of us go through peaks and valleys with our camera usage. There may be times of the year when our gear stays in our camera bags. One of the things that we can do to maintain our skill level is to spend a few minutes regularly doing camera settings practice. I’d like to thank one of our readers, Bob Owen, for posting a comment that provided the creative spark for this article.
Pro Capture Settings
This article discusses the Pro Capture settings that are available on the Olympus OM-D E-M1X and some of the factors that a photographer would consider when choosing which settings to use. I’d like to thank one of our readers, Joel Bateman, for asking a question related to one of my earlier articles. This provided the creative spark for this posting.
Landing Postures That Create Anticipation
Many of us who enjoy photographing birds in flight focus our efforts on specific bird behaviours including hunting/fishing, taking off, and landing. It is always a special moment when we can capture a subject bird doing something other than a typical fly-by. This article shares a selection of seven consecutive images and discusses landing postures that create anticipation in our bird photographs.