This article shares some blue jay pond take-off photographs and discusses how birds can signal their intention to take flight. Some commentary about the use of Pro Capture is also included. These images were photographed handheld through my kitchen window.
Tag Archives: Pro Capture
OM-1 Strategic Positioning
OM Digital Solutions has launched their new OM-1 flagship camera and the strategic positioning of the company is now crystal clear. All we need to do is look at the choices that OMDS has made with this camera in terms of technology and performance characteristics.
Pre-Shutter Frames
This article shares an image run of 15 consecutive photographs and discusses various Pro Capture settings with some emphasis on Pre-Shutter Frames. One of the technologies that I find indispensable with my E-M1X is Pro Capture. I use both Pro Capture L and Pro Capture H on a very regular basis when photographing birds-in-motion as well as flying insects such as bees, wasps, butterflies and dragonflies.
American Goldfinches
This article shares a selection of handheld photographs of American Goldfinches that were captured in my backyard earlier this summer. Although American Goldfinches visit periodically, we don’t typically see them with any regularity until August. By the fall most of the birds have migrated out of the area.
Favourite Pro Capture Images
This article shares some of my favourite Pro Capture images that were created using an E-M1X, M.Zuiko telephoto lenses, and M.Zuiko teleconverters. All were captured handheld. Without question the more that I have used Pro Capture, the more indispensable it has become to my bird and insect photography.
Pro Capture ISO-12800 Test
This article shares a small collection of images captured as part of a Pro Capture ISO-12800 test. The intent of my test was simply to find out if I could capture any images that were usable to any degree, at this high ISO value. The photographs in this article definitely fall into the “I wonder what would happen if?” category.
Importance of Mental Practice
Physical and mental practice are both critical to maintain during these unusual times, and there are things we can do to stay sharp with our photographic craft. No doubt it can be challenging, frustrating and demotivating to be limited to our immediate surroundings. Allowing ourselves to be overcome by these negative emotions is counterproductive.
Grackle Taking Flight
This article shares two Pro Capture H runs of a grackle taking flight from a bird feeder. The local social distancing directives in our area have recently become more restrictive. So, I doubt that I will have a chance to photograph any birds outside of my backyard for at least a month or two. So, I will continue to do some practice bird photography in my backyard.
New Menu Search Tabs
As the number of M4/3 articles has increased on this website, we’ve been receiving some emails from readers asking if we could add some new menu search tabs.
Photographing Captive Butterflies in Flight
I should state right up front that this article is based on some first attempt experimentation. As a consequence the results are not up to the standard that I would have liked. I certainly don’t mind sharing first attempt results with readers. The experience led to some potential learning to share. Photographing captive butterflies in flight hand-held is an interesting challenge. This article shares a selection of images and some of my initial thoughts about adjusting my technique for the future.
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