The Magic of “7” in Composition

This article will no doubt be the shortest one I will ever write about image composition as it contains only one, very simple idea. And, that is the number “7”. If you’re like me and tend to see the world around you as shapes and angles when you have a camera in your hands then this should resonate very strongly with you.

Very often geometric shapes and specific types of angles grab our attention. If you want to discover interesting compositions simply look for angles in the image you are considering…and play close attention to seeing a “7” in your scene. Sometimes they are upright, sometimes lying down. You may be surprised at how often this particular type of angle intersection produces very appealing images.

Rather than write any more, I’ll just show you some images and you can be the judge (I’ll give you some hints along the way). There, that’s it. The formal part of the article is over…168 words.

(NOTE: click on images to enlarge them)

Examples of the “7 Shape” in Composition

A whole row of 7’s going up the railing…

magic of 7 image 1

Can you see it behind the donkey’s head, entering its mouth and exiting its ear?

magic of 7 image 2

Look up the infinity pool then to the left when you come to the over-the-water bungalows and follow it to the break between the bridges…

magic of 7 image 3

An obvious one in the smoke…

magic of 7 image 4

This one joins the berries and points to the beetles…

magic of 7 image 5

The curve in the beach…

magic of 7 image 6

This one is more subtle as it changes colour…do you see it?

magic of 7 image 7

Go up the edge of the infinity pool then take the bridge to the bungalows…

magic of 7 image 8

Go up the path and turn left at the bridge…

magic of 7 image 9

Along the beach to the building then to the left until the water starts…

magic of 7 image 10

This one is lying down…

magic of 7 image 11

Many bird neck/head angles have it…

magic of 7 image 12

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Article and all images Copyright 2014, Thomas Stirr. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction or duplication including electronic is allowed without written consent.

4 thoughts on “The Magic of “7” in Composition”

    1. Hi Srikanth,
      I’ll do my best to answer your question from memory…
      – image 1, centre of large jar
      – image 2, donkey’s eyes
      – image 3, this is an old photo shot with a very small sensor compact camera, likely auto-focus of camera
      – image 4, airplane
      – image 5, head of orange beetle
      – image 6, green bush in foreground
      – image 7, same as image 3
      – image 8, same as image 3
      – image 9, trunk of large tree on right-hand side
      – image 10, right-hand portion of umbrella near its tips
      – image 11, lens in assembly
      – image 12, eye of bird


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