Category Archives: Camera News

JIP Interview Regarding Olympus Imaging Purchase

Recently an interesting JIP interview with Shinichi Inagaki, the Japan Industrial Partners executive in charge of the acquisition of the Olympus imaging business, was published by Toyo Keizai Online. I thought readers may like to see this interview so I have provided a link to the corresponding Photo Rumors article.

I would suggest that you take some time to read this interview as it contains some very interesting information. My observations about the content in this interview follow later in this article.

Continue reading JIP Interview Regarding Olympus Imaging Purchase

Orphan Camera System Risks

From time to time I receive emails or phone calls at the office, or comments on this website, in which readers express some concerns about their camera system being discontinued. Orphan camera system risks exist, and they are the subject of this article. I’d like to thank one of our readers, Allan Crook, for a recent comment which was a bit of a creative spark for this article. Continue reading Orphan Camera System Risks