Category Archives: Landscape Photography

Using graduated neutral density filters with Nikon 1 and M4/3

Just like what owners of full frame and cropped sensor DSLR’s experience, using graduated neutral density (GND) filters with Nikon 1 and M4/3 cameras can help improve the images you capture, especially if you like landscape photography.

One could argue that since the sensors in Nikon 1 and M4/3 cameras have less dynamic range than most DSLR’s using graduated neutral density filters is even more critical with these smaller sensor cameras. Continue reading Using graduated neutral density filters with Nikon 1 and M4/3

Point Pelee National Park

After a very hectic few days working on an urgent client project my wife and I decided to take a short break and head off to Point Pelee National Park. Our original intent was to capture images of migrating birds as Point Pelee is a major stopping point in the migration route of many species of birds and butterflies. Continue reading Point Pelee National Park

Nikon 1 J5 landscape photography

As the final instalment of articles in advance of my hands-on review of the Nikon 1 J5 I went out today to test the camera’s capability with landscape photography. One of our readers, Ray Miller, was kind enough to act as my guide today and took me to a number of very interesting spots at which I could put the Nikon 1 J5 through its final hands-on test. Continue reading Nikon 1 J5 landscape photography

Using Foreground Elements in Landscape Photography

Often when we are creating images, especially landscapes, we can get so focused on the main subject that we forget to think about incorporating a foreground element to help add depth and drama to our scene. There are a number of different approaches we can use. In this short article I’ll be illustrating three simple and effective ways you can incorporate foreground elements into your images. The first is something that I like to call a ‘bottom band’ during my landscape seminars. Continue reading Using Foreground Elements in Landscape Photography

Nikon 1 Waterfall Photography Tips

As an owner of a Nikon 1 V2 and a selection of Nikon 1 lenses I’m always looking for ways to extend the use of this compact-sized camera system. I thought it would be an interesting challenge to try and photograph a waterfall with the Nikon 1 system. Continue reading Nikon 1 Waterfall Photography Tips